News and agenda

26 May 2019

Ad van Wijk in various media

There will be cheap and green hydrogen, says Ad van Wijk, professor of Future Energy Systems.

20 May 2019

Earl Goetheer in de Volkskrant

It is industrial waste, the main cause of climate change and ... a commodity that is worth money. Captured CO2 is increasingly proving itself as a building block for all kinds of useful things, from peppers to medicines.

14 May 2019

Two winners receive Marina van Damme Grant 2019

Two winners receive Marina van Damme Grant 2019

On Wednesday May 13th, Delft University Fund organised the award ceremony of the Marina van Damme Grant 2019. This grant is made possible thanks to Marina van Damme and enables young female engineers to develop and boost their personal career.

16 April 2019

Important subsidy paves way towards emission-free gas turbines

Important subsidy paves way towards emission-free gas turbines

TU Delft and partners Ansaldo Thomassen, OPRA Turbines, Vattenfall, Nouryon and EMMTEC have been awarded with a subsidy by the Dutch Government for the project ‘High Hydrogen Gas Turbine Retrofit to Eliminate Carbon Emissions’.

08 April 2019

Jerry Westerweel in Delft Integraal

Delft flow experts have made a model of how air pollution from the A13 is spreading through neighboring Overschie. The DisTUrbE project (dispersion in the turbulent urban environment) tests the effectiveness of measures against air pollution.

12 March 2019

TU Delft, Shell and the government invest 5 million euros towards sustainable breakthrough in the chemical industry

TU Delft, Shell and the government invest 5 million euros towards sustainable breakthrough in the chemical industry

TU Delft, Shell and various Top Consortia for Knowledge and Innovation (TKIs) are investing 5 million euros in the development of electro-conversion technology to make the petrochemical industry more sustainable.

11 March 2019

Andrzej Stankiewicz steps down and DPTI charts new course

Andrzej Stankiewicz steps down and DPTI charts new course

Andrzej Stankiewicz is stepping down as director of the TU Delft Process Technology Institute (DPTI) in June 2019. The executive board will announce his departure this month. Having led the institute for seven years, it is now time for Stankiewicz to hand over his role as director to someone else.

18 December 2018

Superheroes in the classroom

20 November 2018

Open Technology Programme funding for Burak Eral

06 November 2018

Johan Padding appointed full professor of complex fluid processing

Professor Johan Padding was appointed full professor of complex fluid processing at the Department of Processing & Energy starting 23 October 2018.
