News and agenda

01 March 2021

Simulations to make insight into electrokinetic transport more reliable

Simulations to make insight into electrokinetic transport more reliable

Researcher Remco Hartkamp and PhD student Max Döpke of the Process & Energy Department have taken an important step in making simulation results for electrokinetic transport more reliable by using molecular simulations.

21 January 2021

Johan Padding in KIJK Magazine

Glas is vloeibaar, noch vast. Om die reden bijten natuurkundigen al jaren hun tanden erop stuk. Maar nieuw onderzoek licht een tipje van de sluier op.

10 December 2020

Ad van Wijk in various media

Ad van Wijk in various media

According to professor Ad van Wijk, hydrogen is one of the most sustainable substances to store energy.

30 November 2020

Using artificial intelligence to solve arson offences

Using artificial intelligence to solve arson offences

. In partnership with the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), Thijs Vlugt, Mahinder Ramdin and Otto Moultos, researchers at the Department of Process & Energy, developed a new method using artificial intelligence that can be used to solve arson offences.

03 September 2020

Burak Eral in various media

Burak Eral and his colleagues are developing a method that allows microparticles to be separated based on their shape.

31 March 2020

ERC Advanced Grant for research on impulsive flows

ERC Advanced Grant for research on impulsive flows

Jerry Westerweel, professor of fluid mechanics at the Department of Process and Energy has received an ERC Advanced Grant for his research on impulsive flows. These are flows of air or a liquid around objects that undergo a strong and sudden motion change. Little is known about the fluid forces during these sudden motions. The aim of this research is to gain insight into the fundamental aspects and physical properties of these impulsive flows.

17 March 2020

Building small reactors for renewable electricity in chemical industry

Building small reactors for renewable electricity in chemical industry

The research consortium of the European Union-funded project ADREM (Adaptable Reactors for Resource- and Energy-Efficient Methane Valorisation), led by Andrzej Stankiewicz, TUD Professor of Process Intensification, successfully developed highly innovative, economically attractive and resource- and energy-efficient reactor concepts for boosting resource and energy efficiency in process industries.

09 March 2020

Researchers at TU Delft develop first model to guide large-scale production of ultrathin graphene

Researchers at TU Delft develop first model to guide large-scale production of ultrathin graphene

Graphene is well-known for its remarkable electronic, mechanical and thermal properties, but industrial production of high-quality graphene is very challenging. A research team at Delft University of Technology has now developed a mathematical model that can be used to guide the large-scale production of these ultrathin layers of carbon. The findings were published this week in The Journal of Chemical Physics.

12 December 2019

Millions for large-scale energy storage research

Millions for large-scale energy storage research

Paulien Herder, professor in Energy Systems at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), and her team in the interdisciplinary consortium RELEASE (Reversible Large-scale Energy Storage) have received funding from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) totalling over € 10 million for research into large-scale energy storage. NWO is investing € 39 million in five large, interdisciplinary research consortia within the Crossover programme, with the aim of helping to meet various social and economic challenges.

25 November 2019

Ruud Kortlever in Process Control

Interview Ruud Kortlever in Process Control
