
02 September 2021

Results election of the best lecturer 2020-2021

Results election of the best lecturer 2020-2021

All students from the 3mE Faculty had the opportunity to vote for the best lecturer of the academic year 2020-2021. This award allows them show their appreciation for these lecturers’ unique and creative teaching styles.

01 July 2021

Horizon 2020 funding for MAGPIE project

Horizon 2020 funding for MAGPIE project

Researchers of the 3mE and EEMCS of the TU Delft and two organisations within Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) are part of a project that has been awarded nearly € 25 million in EU funding for a project that will improve the sustainability of ports in the European Union .

10 June 2021

Heading for AI: a joint agenda for maritime ambitions in the field of AI

Heading for AI: a joint agenda for maritime ambitions in the field of AI

The Port & Maritime working group of the Dutch AI Coalition (NLAIC) has presented a position paper ‘Koersen op AI‘ (Heading for AI) on 10 June 2021, detailing the maritime ambitions in the field of AI. As part of the core group of this working group, TU Delft researchers have actively contributed to this joint agenda.

18 May 2021

‘Cohesion researchers’ unravel the mystery of hydrogen effects on materials

‘Cohesion researchers’ unravel the mystery of hydrogen effects on materials

Steel pipelines can become brittle due to hydrogen and can therefore break. Fascinated by this urgent problem, Carey Walters (MTT), Othon Moultos (P&E) and Poulumi Dey (MSE) joined forces and turned to the cohesion programme to work on this together.

12 April 2021

Hans Hopman in various media

25 March 2021

TU Delft participates in development of energy label for yachts

TU Delft participates in development of energy label for yachts

How enviromentally friendly is yacht building actually? Can you compare one yacht to another? And how can we ensure that all yacht builders take the same approach, so that we can ultimately reduce the footprint of yachts?

08 March 2021

Carey Walters in Atlas

08 March 2021

Geert Keetels in various media

28 January 2021

Deep-sea mining less harmful to environment thanks to new ‘minerals collector’

Deep-sea mining less harmful to environment thanks to new ‘minerals collector’

. Rudy Helmons, onderzoeker Offshore and Dredging engineering, ontwierp in samenwerking met IHC Mining de collector 2.0. Een op waterdruk gestuurde ‘stofzuiger’ die grondstoffen op de zeebodem verzamelt waarbij minder sediment opgepakt wordt en minder water verloren gaat.

10 December 2020

Wouter van den Bos in various media

TU Delft has developed software that makes it possible to calculate the risks of contamination with the corona virus for a specific area. The model virtually places a sick person in a room and simulates how quickly the virus particles spread. This can be used to calculate how safe it is in areas such as airplanes, classrooms or restaurants.