
07 March 2023

Rudy Negenborn’s vision on autonomous ships in Nature

Rudy Negenborn’s vision on autonomous ships in Nature

Nature published an article ‘Autonomous ships are on the horizon: here’s what we need to know’ about autonomous ships that highlights research gaps in six key areas. Rudy Negenborn and his co-authors touch upon critical challenges in the development and deployment of autonomous ships in practice, that are not receiving sufficient attention in research and innovation.

16 February 2023

The Ship Hydromechanics lab welcomes the upgraded Wave-Flume Tank

The Ship Hydromechanics lab welcomes the upgraded Wave-Flume Tank

A number of internal relocations have taken place in the 3mE building the past year and one of them was the relocation of the Wave-Flume Tank. The tank has been moved from building section J to the API hall nearby in Leeghwaterstraat to create space for projects being conducted in the Fluid Mechanics Lab. The Wave-Flume Tank has returned home: at the Ship Hydromechanics Lab.

28 November 2022

Rudy Helmons in various media

10 November 2022

Successful demo of long-range remotely-controlled vessels

Successful demo of long-range remotely-controlled vessels

The first fully-automated demo of AVATARs - autonomous emission-free waterways vessels - took place on the pond in front of the 3mE building. Three model-scaled vessels neatly demonstrated their manoeuvrability, precision controlled turning and steering capabilities thanks to long-range Wi-Fi and 4G communications and newly-developed AI directed collision-avoidance technology.

08 November 2022

Vacuuming-up rare metals from the deep sea floor

Vacuuming-up rare metals from the deep sea floor

At the bottom of the ocean lie lumps of valuable metals such as copper, manganese, nickel and cobalt - materials crucial to accelerating the energy transition. A collaboration between five European countries called ‘Blue Harvesting,’ has designed and now tested a new collector that can gather these nodules from the deep sea bottom with minimal disturbance to the natural environment.

20 October 2022

Emission-free and circular shipping by improving the use of different battery systems

Emission-free and circular shipping by improving the use of different battery systems

The maritime sector needs batteries for the transition to zero-emission shipping. Different ships with different operational profiles may require different batteries. The NWO Executive Board has awarded funding to two research projects of maritime researchers Henk Polinder and Andrea Coraddu. Both will focus on improving the use of different battery systems. The awards involve a sum of 4.2 million euros.

30 August 2022

Gabriel Weymouth appointed professor of Ship Hydromechanics

Gabriel Weymouth appointed professor of Ship Hydromechanics

Gabriel Weymouth has been appointed Professor of Ship Hydromechanics at the department of Maritime and Transport Technology as of 1st of September. Weymouth's research focuses on the development of fast, accurate, and robust computational fluid dynamic predictions and application of those techniques to the marine and maritime environment.

21 June 2022

New TU Delft cavitation tunnel should enhance vessel efficiency and reduce disturbance

New TU Delft cavitation tunnel should enhance vessel efficiency and reduce disturbance

This week the new cavitation tunnel will be opened at TU Delft. The research in this facility, officially called the Multi Phase Flow Tunnel (MPFT), largely focuses on two topics: the problem of cavitation in vessel propellers, on the one hand, and the potential of air lubrication in vessels, on the other.

16 June 2022

Carey Walters in various media

02 June 2022

Rudy Negenborn in various media