
12 September 2024

Cornel Thill Educator of the Year 2023-2024

Cornel Thill Educator of the Year 2023-2024

Cornel Thill from the Department of Marine and Transport Technology (MTT) is this year's best lecturer in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Thill is part of the Ship Design, Production & Operations section and teaches courses such as “Hydrostatics,” “Future Marine Propulsion Systems” and “Advanced Course in Resistance and Propulsion.”

13 June 2024

Theory results in fanatic race during the Maritime Engineering Design Day

Theory results in fanatic race during the Maritime Engineering Design Day

Around 55 first-year students in the Maritime Engineering bachelor programme introduced their parents and other interested parties to the department and its programme during Design Day. After an opening session where the parents accompanied by students were briefed on the theory, they were soon able to roll up their sleeves and get to work. They even had the opportunity to build their own floating structure!

15 April 2024

Lindert van Biert at NPO Radio 1

Lindert van Biert at NPO Radio 1

What is more polluting: travelling by boat or plane?

07 March 2024

Rudy Negenborn in BBC News about autonomous shipping

Rudy Negenborn in BBC News about autonomous shipping

Autonomy, robotics and remote operation, along with artificial intelligence, will transform all transport sectors. In this article, Rudy Negenborn talks about the development and use of robot ships.

31 October 2023

Sustainable shipping: are auxiliary sails a solution?

Sustainable shipping: are auxiliary sails a solution?

TU Delft is launching a new research programme on 31 October to explore the possibilities of wind-assisted propulsion for cargo vessels. The aim is to reduce fuel consumption by 30%.

05 September 2023

ERC Starting Grant for developing adaptive transport systems with self-learning capabilities

ERC Starting Grant for developing adaptive transport systems with self-learning capabilities

Bilge Atasoy, associate professor at the Department of Maritime & Transport Technology, has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant to develop adaptive transport systems. She will work on a holistic adaptive modelling framework that considers the interactions between supply and demand to make transport more efficient, sustainable and user-centric.

14 August 2023

Gifted children introduced to Marine Technology

Gifted children introduced to Marine Technology

The faculty building, which had been somewhat empty during the summer holiday, was enlivened by the visit of 40 enthusiastic children of above-average intelligence. The group was given an interactive introduction to the world of Marine Technology.

21 July 2023

In memoriam - Cees van Rhee (1959-2023)

In memoriam - Cees van Rhee (1959-2023)

It is with sadness that we learned of the passing of our dear colleague Cees van Rhee on Saturday 15 July 2023 during his holiday in France. Cees was professor of Dredging Technology at the Department of Maritime & Transport Technology at TU Delft since 2007.

26 June 2023

Jeroen Pruijn in various media

20 March 2023

Rudy Negenborn in various media