Individual Student Projects

Each Industrial Design Engineering student concludes their Master’s programme with a graduation project. In this project, the student is expected to demonstrate their abilities as an independent engineer by solving a complex product (or service) development issue resulting from an assignment. The students may work on the subject over the course of 20 weeks, full time.

In Short

  • Students are expected to initiate their graduation project themselves. They will look around for a suitable subject or assignment;  
  • Companies and organisations (clients) can submit potential projects by drafting their assignment and share these with:
  • When a student is interested, they will together with their TU Delft supervisors (Chair and mentor) and client mentor, assess the quality of the assignment to whether it complies with the degree programme’s requirements, and the wishes of the client.

IDE Graduation project – a unique course

The graduation project is the only scheduled course in the last semester of each of the our three MSc programmes (DfI, IPD, and SPD). This way, students can fully dedicate themselves to this project which may be undertaken within one of the faculty’s research groups, or in a setting with an external client. As the graduation project is considered to be a stepping stone to a future career, a high level of independence is expected from the student in planning and executing the project, and in acquiring necessary knowledge, understanding and skills.

Delft Design Labs

Delft Design Labs (DDL) provide unique opportunities for organisations and academic institutes to collaborate on theme-based design innovation. These labs act as catalysts for knowledge development and design innovation around a specific theme or societal challenge. DDLs provide a platform for multi-stakeholder collaboration on focused societal challenges. Explore the DDL here.

Our Master Programmes

Watch the videos below to get introduced to the wide variety of projects and results to achieve within the different master's programmes of Industrial Design Engineering.

Design for Interaction (DfI)

Integrated Product Design (IPD)

Strategic Product Design (SPD)


  • You can prepare your own graduation assignment advertisement in MS Word or PDF (ideally one A4). Ensure to include the following information:
    • A short introduction of yourself; the client
    • Context in which a problem manifests / problem description
    • The assignment
    • What is expected from the student and what can student expect from you
    • Contact information and response deadline (if applicable)
  • Send the advertisement to, and include in the e-mail a short description (170 characters max) that can be used to announce the advertisement in an overview of assignments. Note: both the advertisement and the description should be prepared in English
  • Download the Graduation Manual for Clients. It contains all information about the graduation process and the general principles that the university has laid down for the agreement between a graduate student and a client.


To fine-tune whether your situation suits graduation, or when you wish to collaborate with one or more IDE students but at present do not know which project form or type of assignment will be most suitable, please contact our Delft Design Innovation and Impact team.

Email our DDII team

Graduation Support

For information of a more organisational nature concerning individual graduation projects you can contact Graduation Support.


Email Graduate Support