Collaborate in Education

Involvement in our Bachelor's and Master's programmes provides a platform for your organisation to interact with and inspire the next generation of designers. Your organisation's challenges will be approached by students from new, creative angles, providing innovative insights. In addition, an educational collaboration will give you access to some of the latest design methodologies and approaches developed by IDE. It will also demonstrate your organisation's commitment to educational initiatives, innovation and the creation of a more sustainable society.

Student Group Projects

IDE has a long track record in educational collaborations - proof that many organisations find working with our student groups inspiring. Participating in our collaborative courses gives your organisation the opportunity to present real-life case studies that are then tackled by several IDE student groups. This type of collaboration allows you to learn about our unique design approaches and for our students to apply their knowledge to your specific challenges in a team environment, providing you with creative angles and insights. 

  • Multiple groups spend 4-20 weeks immersed in your organisation's challenge, leading to innovative perspectives on your case. 
  • Gain insight into our innovative, design-led approach to problem solving. 
  • Students are guided by our experienced academic staff. 

Individual Graduation Projects

By initiating a dissertation project, your organisation can present a graduate student with a complex, business-specific challenge or opportunity that requires in-depth study and advanced design thinking. Over a five-month period, a graduate student will immerse themselves in your challenge, combining academic rigour with novel design approaches to explore potential solutions, all under the guidance of two of our professional academic staff. This results in a thesis in which they present their analysis, their findings, their ideas and their design proposals. 

  • A dedicated MSc student to work in depth on your organisation’s unique challenges. 
  • Gain an understanding of the latest design methodologies and design techniques. 
  • Foster relationships with future design practitioners and strengthen academic links. 

Internship Opportunities 

An internship brings a student into your organisation to work on real projects and contribute to ongoing initiatives. Unlike a thesis project, an internship is a hands-on learning experience for the student where they apply their design skills and academic knowledge to support your organisation, typically over a period of three to six months. This learning experience not only benefits the student's learning, but also brings new perspectives to your projects. 

  • Bring an outside, creative and academically informed perspective to ongoing projects. 
  • Benefit from the work of students who are keen to apply their academic knowledge to real-world problems. 
  • Cultivate a relationship with TU Delft and keep up to date with the latest trends and innovations in the field of design.