
03 September 2018

Permit application and Environmental Impact Assessment available for consultation

Permit application and Environmental Impact Assessment available for consultation

The permit application and the Environmental Impact Assessment for the cold source of the OYSTER-programme are available for consultation from 23 August to 3 October 2018. The application concerns the installation of a cold neutron source next to the reactor core. This cold source, which is in itself not a radioactive application, makes it possible to slow down the neutrons of the research reactor, thus allowing better research results to be obtained.

24 July 2018

Veni for Jeremy Brown and Zoltán Perkó

NWO has announced the Veni recipients for 2018. Among them are seven Delft scientists, two of whom are from RST: Jeremy Brown and Zoltán Perkó. The Veni grants allow researchers who have recently obtained their PhD to conduct independent research and develop their ideas for a period of three years.

12 July 2018

KWF proton research project for Holland PTC

KWF proton research project for Holland PTC

Zoltán Perkó (Radiation, Science & Technology), together with Mischa Hoogeman (project leader, Erasmus MC) and Martijn Eenink (Holland Protonen Therapie Centrum) have been granted a KWF research project named PEARL (PrEcision of proton therapy increased by Advanced Robustness analysis).

18 June 2018

OYSTER year report 2017

OYSTER year report 2017

The OYSTER programme (Optimized Yield - for Science, Technology and Education - of Radiation) will enable educational, scientific and societal challenges in the fields of materials, health and energy to be better addressed.

07 June 2018

Data Mining in Engineering Summer School

Data Mining in Engineering Summer School

Between 21 May and 1 June 2018 RID hosted the first ‘Joint Purdue University – TU Delft Data Mining in Engineering Summer School’.

21 March 2018

Mystery of superior Leeuwenhoek microscope solved after 350 years

Mystery of superior Leeuwenhoek microscope solved after 350 years

Researchers from TU Delft and Rijksmuseum Boerhaave have solved an age-old mystery surrounding Antonie van Leeuwenhoek’s microscopes.

23 February 2018

Marnix Wagemaker receives Vici for battery research

Marnix Wagemaker receives Vici for battery research

Dr. ir. Marnix Wagemaker will receive a Vici grant from NWO. Wagemaker is getting this grant, which amounts to 1.5 million euros, to investigate the inner workings of batteries. Among other things, the researcher aims to find out why the storage capacity achieved by the current generation of batteries is lagging behind that which should theoretically be feasible. An additional 250.000 euros of in-kind contributions will be provided by companies that are involved in the research.