The group Science & Engineering Education (SEEd) is the scientific group of the Faculty of Applied Sciences that provides education, research and outreach in the field of STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). The main task of the group is to provide teacher training education (MSc) and the educational minor (in the BSc) in STEM related subjects. 

With its knowledge and expertise, the SEEd group also contributes to the education other BSc and MSc programmes of the Faculty of Applied Sciences. In addition, the Bètasteunpunt (responsible for the in-service training and community building of secondary STEM teachers) and ‘ Wetenschapsknooppunt’ (responsible for strengthening STEM-education in primary education ) is also part of SEEd. 

The department SEEd features a team of students, scientists and practitioners from different disciplines. We combine theory and practice, and integrate technological and social perspectives in education and research. SEEd performs practice-oriented research that integrates scientific-technological, educational and sociological perspectives. Outcomes are relevant for the domains of STEM Education, Life Sciences and Health, AI, data and digital innovation and Inclusive and Sustainable urban development (climate, energy management, safety). 


SEC Delft is part of the collaborative 4TU educational and research program.

Science & Engineering Education (SEEd)