About us

Name of the department:  Radiation Science and Technology (RST)

Name of Head of the department:  prof.dr.ir. J-L. Kloosterman

Date of establishment:  January 1, 2005

Institutional affiliations and formal responsibilities

  • The Department of Radiation Science and Technology (RST) is part of the Faculty of Applied Sciences (TNW) of Delft University of Technology (TUD)
  • The Chairman of RST reports to the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Professor dr. ir. Paulien Herder
  • RST is one of the departments of TNW providing the BSc and MSc educational programs Technische Natuurkunde (Applied Physics). It also educates in the Chemical Engineering program.
  • RST has a very close collaboration with the TU Delft Reactor Institute.
  • Both Department and Institute houses in the same building.
  • RST has a very close collaboration with Holland PTC, the proton centre. It houses on the same site.

Facts & figures

  • Assistant/Associate/Full Professors: 18
  • Postdocs: 15
  • PhD students: 50

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