422 results

12 November 2019

Teun Huijben joined ImPhys as MSc student

Teun Huijben joined ImPhys as MSc student

Teun Huijben is in the last year of his double master degree Nanobiology and Biomedical Engineering. For the next 10 months, he will be working in the group of Bernd Rieger on multi-state classification in single-particle averaging for his Master thesis.

30 October 2019

ImPhys Optics group hosted the Face2Phase conference

ImPhys Optics group hosted the Face2Phase conference

The Face2Phase event is co-organized with the AOIM XII and took place in Delft on 23-25 October 2019. It addresses imaging with phase information and covers topics such as lensless imaging, aberration retrieval, adaptive and active optics, ptychography, holography, tomography, phase retrieval and applications.

28 October 2019

Maria Sovago joined ImPhys as Design Lecturer

Maria Sovago joined ImPhys as Design Lecturer

Per September 1st, 2019 Maria Sovago joined ImPhys as a Design Lecturer. She will be setting up a revolutionary new Physics Design Programme. As a scientist, Maria is driven by applying fundamental scientific knowledge to real life applications. Bridging the gap between Science and Society is not always easy, but what a fantastic challenge!

15 October 2019

Tessa Vergroesen joined ImPhys as MSc student

Tessa Vergroesen joined ImPhys as MSc student

Tessa Vergroesen has joined the lab of Elizabeth Carroll for her Nanobiology MEP. She will combine calcium and voltage imaging in pancreatic cells and neurons cells of the zebrafish embryo to elucidate the development of signalling involved in cell secretion.

14 October 2019

Kevin de Vos has joined ImPhys an intern Hogeschool Leiden

Kevin de Vos has joined the lab as an intern from the Hogeschool Leiden. Kevin is studying Biology and Medical Laboratory research and will complete a thesis project on zebrafish genotyping for biomedical imaging.

10 October 2019

Luuk Balkende joined ImPhys as MSc student

Luuk Balkende joined ImPhys as MSc student

Luuk Balkende started his master end project this week. He is going to research how machine learning can be used to predict fluorescence in EM images. His supervisors are Jacob Hoogeboom and Ryan Lane.

08 October 2019

Chinese delegation from BISME (Bejing Institute of Space Mechanics and Electricity) visited ImPhys Optics Group

Chinese delegation from BISME (Bejing Institute of Space Mechanics and Electricity) visited ImPhys Optics Group

A delegation of 50 people from BISME (Bejing Institute of Space Mechanics and Electricity) visited the ImPhys Optics Group. They combined this visit with the International Symposium on Space Optics Instruments and Applications in Delft.

08 October 2019

Sven Weerdenburg joined ImPhys as PhD student

Sven Weerdenburg joined ImPhys as PhD student

Sven Weerdenburg will work on Lensless Imaging of 3D Nanostructures with Soft X-Rays as part of a consortium LINX. His superviser is Wim Coene.

07 October 2019

Bas van der Hoeven joined ImPhys as MSc student

Bas van der Hoeven joined ImPhys as MSc student

Bas van der Hoeven has joined the lab of Elizabeth Carroll for his Nanobiology MEP. He will implement an image analysis pipeline for whole-brain calcium imaging in living zebrafish, and use light sheet microscopy to compare brain dynamics in a fish model without microglia to determine how microglia shape brain development.

07 October 2019

Ying Tang succesfully defended his PhD thesis

Ying Tang succesfully defended his PhD thesis

On October 2nd Ying Tang succesfully defended his PhD thesis "Applications of Optical Birefringe: with Natural-Matrials and Meta-Materials".


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