Statutory fee

You are eligible for the statutory rate for enrolment in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme if you hold the Dutch nationality or that of another EU/EFTA country *) **), or the Surinamese nationality.

Tuition fees

2024/2025 academic year: € 2.530,00
2025/2026 academic year: € 2.601,00

Special regulations

  • Non EU/EFTA
    Certain students from countries outside the EU/EFTA may also qualify for student loans and grants. These are, for instance, students who hold a Dutch residence permit on humanitarian grounds such as in cases of family reunification. These students then hold the same status as Dutch nationals with regard to student grants and loans. They are eligible for payment of the statutory tuition fee (institutional rate I). When submitting the payment form, these students should enclose a copy of the Dutch residence permit to the payment form.
  • UAF refugee students
    Refugee students who receive student grants and/or loans (including those who receive an allowance under the SUS regulations) through the intervention of the UAF (Foundation for Refugee Students) have the same status as Dutch nationals. They pay the statutory tuition fee (institutional rate I) for enrolment in a full-time degree program.

If you fall under one of these categories then, together with your enrolment form, you must submit a written declaration from the UAF stating that you receive a UAF student grant and/or loan. Certain categories of refugee students with residence permits (entry based on humanitarian grounds) pay institutional fee I as long as they do not have any entitlement to student grants and loans and also do not receive a UAF student allowance.
For more information please contact the Contact Centre. If you fall under one of these categories then you should also enclose a certified copy of your Immigration & Naturalisation Department (IND) identity card which verifies that you have the required status.

*) The EU member countries are:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

The EFTA member countries are: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

**) Students from other EU/EFTA countries who are not eligible for Dutch student grants and loans may receive a monthly tuition reimbursement corresponding to the amount of the basic student grant for students living at home.