When you start a programme at TU Delft, you have to pay tuition fees. The amount of the tuition fee is determined annually by law. Below you will find an overview of the rates and what the monthly costs of an average student look like.

Annual tuition fees

You can find the Enrolment and Tuition fee Regulations here.

Payment deadlines

Start in the first semester:

  • 1 July (23:59 CEST): for first year students who have a non-Dutch prior education or students who require assistance with visa/residence permit application:
    Please follow the instructions in your financial letter
  • 31 August (23:59 CEST): for all other students

Start in the second semester:

  • 1 December (23:59 CET): for first year students who have a non-Dutch prior education or students who require assistance with visa/residence permit application:
    Please follow the instructions in your financial letter

31 January (23:59 CET): for all other students

Payment methods

Select one of the following payment methods :

Overview costs

2025/2026 BSc & MSc EU/EFTA BSc non-EU (incl UK) MSc non-EU (incl UK) Surinamese Nationals Exchange EU/EFTA Exchange non-EU Fall semester*** Exchange non-EU Spring semester***
Tuition Fee


€17.310 €22.290 €2.601 n/a n/a n/a
Living costs n/a €14.650* €14.650* €14.650* n/a €7325* €8546*
Residence Permit/Visa fee n/a €228** €228** €228** n/a €228** €228**
TU Delft Housing fee €285 €285** €285 ** €285 ** €285 €285 ** €285 **
Total payment €2.815 €31.355 €36.165 €17.180 €285 €7.325 €8.546

* The Living Costs per year is based on rules of the Dutch Immigration Service (IND) and will be announced in January 2025, the costs shown in living costs are from 2024/2025. TU Delft will refund the Living Costs, after deducting the Residence Permit/VISA fee and/or Housing fee, into your SEPA bank account approximately three weeks after starting your study programme in Delft. Make sure to bring sufficient funds to bridge the first few weeks after arrival in the Netherlands.

** will be deducted from Living Costs amount

***This applies for all incoming non-EU Exchange students.

Daily Expenses

Besides incidental and set-up costs, the costs of living and study, including food, accommodation, transport, books, and obligatory health insurance is estimated to be between 850 and 1,100 Euro per month.

More information at the Study in Holland website

Withdrawing application

If you want to withdraw your application before the start of the academic year, inform the Education and Affairs as soon as possible. They will inform you about the refund process if you have made any payments.

If you want to quit your studies after the start of the academic year click here for more information about unenrolment.

More information about Student finance for international students in university
