Study associations & student associations

Delft has a reputation as a university city with an active student life. No other university city has so many active student associations. You can also join a study association. Study associations are linked to a degree programme – this does not apply to student associations.

Study associations

Each degree programme at TU Delft has its own study association. It represents the interests of students and organises study-related activities, such as educational trips, lectures and excursions as well as social activities. Members of a study association usually obtain a significant discount on their textbooks. You can find a list of Delft study associations here: Study associations.

Student associations

Obviously, you are coming for a great degree programme, but you may not yet be aware of all the other things there are to experience in Delft. Alongside doing a degree, there will be much more you want to do: meeting friends, partying, playing sport, having weekends away, etc. A student association is nothing more or less than a group of students who share a particular interest. Student associations are a great way to get to know people, expand your horizons and take part in activities. The associations in Delft differ from each other in all sorts of ways. They differ in terms of size, the type of activities and how active they are. Most student associations have their own club buildings, their own premises where many of their activities take place, where you can eat and have a drink. 

So why become a member? As a prospective student, you are about to embark on a new life and the most important thing is to make a lot of friends and feel at home in a new city. You can make friends and feel at home in no time at all if you become a member of an association that suits you. With lots of other people of your age, you will easily become part of a network of students all looking to have fun. This network of people of your age and students who have already been living in Delft for a while can also help you on your degree programme and make it easier to find accommodation. In addition, all student associations are managed by students themselves. This means it is possible to be a committee member or even become part of the board. This is highly educational and above all great fun! 

Below, you will find a list of the various Delft student associations, including links to their websites. The large student association associations also have links to a description of their introductory periods (on their own websites). The associations are solely responsible for their own introduction period.  TU Delft believes it is important for the associations to inform prospective students clearly about what is involved in its membership, that they take care of the wellbeing of their (prospective) members and that they communicate with the university about incidents and complaints. The  university and the five largest associations laid down agreements in a Code of Conduct (in Dutch) and a Communication Covenant (in Dutch). If you find the information provided insufficient, incomplete or encounter situations that you experience in violation of these agreements, then we would like to know this. Comments or complaints can be made directly with the association involved, but is also possible via this e-mail address at TU Delft. The university will discuss notifications with the association involved, while carefully handling any privacy issues.