Customer Panel – back on track

News - 26 November 2021 - Communication

Since last October, our customer panel has been back on track! The composition of the customer panel consists of a mix of bachelor/master students and has a great diversity of different nationalities. By means of a monthly assignment, the customer panel helps us to continuously improve. In addition, this way we as X also get a better grip on the needs of our students. In this newsletter, we give you an update of the assignments carried out by the customer panel.

This month the focus was on the services of the Host Team. All channels were used to contact the On- & Offline Hosts, ranging from complaints to compliments to simple questions. On the points of information supply, completeness and response speed, the service scored very well. On the points of accessibility and attitude, there is still room for improvement. The results have been discussed with the panel by means of in-depth interviews, after which the On- & Offline Hosts have set to work to propose improvements on the development points as well.