Geomatics Day - Student project 3

Shady Amsterdam

One of the biggest challenges in the future will be adapting to the changing climate while reducing the negative impact on our lives. The Urban Heat Island effect is part of this challenge. This effect causes urban areas to be significantly warmer, and the increasing temperature can lead to discomfort and health risks. Shade plays a crucial role in mitigating this effect, improving human comfort and making urban spaces more livable.
Public cool places have an essential role in delivering shade for residents in urban areas. Currently, the city of Amsterdam uses a map that shows the walking distance to these cool places, however, they are not always accurate as capacity, accessibility and accommodation information are lacking.
This project will have two main focuses. First, a quality score for all the cool places in Amsterdam shall be based on a selection of indicators. Secondly, a tool shall be developed to calculate the shortest and coolest/shadiest path from the start spot to the cool places.

This project is in cooperation with Gemeente Amsterdam & MIT Seseable City Lab