424 resultaten

16 februari 2018

New book describes the invention of the electron microscope

New book describes the invention of the electron microscope

In the recently published book Beelden zonder weerga (‘Unparalleled Images’), biochemist Ton van Helvoort and Dirk van Delft, director of Rijksmuseum Boerhaave in Leiden, describe the invention and development of the electron microscope.

14 februari 2018

Teun Huijben has joined the lab of Daan Brinks for his internship

Teun Huijben has joined the lab of Daan Brinks for his internship

Teun Huijben has joined the lab of Daan Brinks for his internship as part of the Nanobiology program. He will work on the creation of a multimodal two-photon microscope, suitable for voltage imaging.

14 februari 2018

Greta Szabo has joined the lab of Daan Brinks for her MSc project

Greta Szabo has joined the lab of Daan Brinks for her MSc project

Greta Szabo has joined the lab of Daan Brinks from TU Berlin for her Master thesis project. She will work on the investigation of the photocycle dynamics of proteins, relevant for optogenetic applications, with temporally structured illumination.

14 februari 2018

Wouter Kessels started his BSc project

Wouter Kessels started his BSc project

Wouter Kessels started his BSc project on "Differentiating lipomatous tumors using a physics and radiomics approach". His supervisors are Frans Vos (TUD) and Martijn Starmans (EMC).

12 februari 2018

Tuanke de Beun started his BSc project

Tuanke de Beun started his BSc project

Tuanke de Beun started his BSc project on "Time-lapse OCT imaging of dynamic processes”. His supervisor is Jeroen Kalkman.

07 februari 2018

Pimp your Greenhouse - looking for the best light efficiency

Pimp your Greenhouse - looking for the best light efficiency

Do you have green fingers, are vegetable gardens your hobby or do you have clever ideas about how to make the best greenhouse and look for the best light efficiency? Then take part in the Klus your greenhouse!

06 februari 2018

New student projects available: Light and electron microscopy

New student projects available: Light and electron microscopy

We use light and electron microscopy to study how the brain develops.  Our goal is to develop tools to image synapse function and structure in living zebrafish embryos, and connect this to nanoscale maps made using correlative photon and electron techniques.

02 februari 2018

Tom Joosten started his MSc project

Tom Joosten started his MSc project

Tom Joosten started his MSc project on "Lumbar localization for hernia surgery using axial 2D ultrasound”. His supervisors are Frans Vos (TUD) en Theo van Walsum (EMC)

29 januari 2018

New student projects available: Neuroscience questions through functional imaging

New student projects available: Neuroscience questions through functional imaging

Interested in how brain cells work? Looking for a student project on Neuroscience questions through functional imaging? Check the three new projects at the Brinks Lab.

26 januari 2018

Microscope Antoni van Leeuwenhoek finalist in "Treasure of the Netherlands"

Microscope Antoni van Leeuwenhoek finalist in "Treasure of the Netherlands"

The microscope of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek won in the category design of the Dutch television programme "Pronkstuk van Nederland". In 1673 Antoni van Leeuwenhoek discovered a complete new world and made bacteria visible with his microscope.


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