424 resultaten

19 maart 2018

Stefani Peters started her MSc project

Stefani Peters started her MSc project

Stefani started her MSc project on: "A consistency study of diffusion statistics at varying MRI field strength - Comparison of model parameters estimated from diffusion weighted MR images acquired with different MRI scanners and protocols".

09 maart 2018

OCT imaging at the world famous “Girl with the pearl earring”

OCT imaging at the world famous “Girl with the pearl earring”

ImPhys researchers Tom Callewaert and Jeroen Kalkman in collaboration with Joris Dik from 3mE perform OCT imaging at the world famous “Girl with the pearl earring”.

09 maart 2018

Nicolette Meerstadt new Deputy Head of Department for ImPhys

Nicolette Meerstadt new Deputy Head of Department for ImPhys

Nicolette Meerstadt is the new Deputy Head of Department for Imaging Physics. She succeeds Liesbeth Secker, who is now Deputy Head of Department at RST.

07 maart 2018

Student project available: a new dynamic pressure sensor

Student project available: a new dynamic pressure sensor

Are you interested in a multi-disciplinary project, develop new sensors and get your hands “dirty”” in experiments and theory? Contact us!

07 maart 2018

Vincent Baas joined our group

Vincent Baas joined our group

We would like to welcome a new guest, MSc student Vincent Baas. His supervisors are Jeroen Kalkman and Jelle van der Horst.

06 maart 2018

Sjoerd Stallinga appointed as interim chairman ImPhys

Sjoerd Stallinga appointed as interim chairman ImPhys

Dr. Sjoerd Stallinga has been appointed as interim chairman of the Imaging Physics department (ImPhys) per 1 March 2018.

26 februari 2018

Roel Djajadiningrat started his MSc project

Roel Djajadiningrat started his MSc project

20 februari 2018

Joor Arkesteijn successfully defended his PhD thesis

Joor Arkesteijn successfully defended his PhD thesis

On February 16, 2018 Joor Arkesteijn successfully defended his PhD thesis on “Application of Sophisticated Models to Conventional Diffusion-Weighted MRI Data”

20 februari 2018

Mathijs Garming joined our group as a PhD student

Mathijs Garming joined our group as a PhD student

Mathijs Garming joined ImPhys as a PhD student, working under the supervision of Jacob Hoogenboom. Mathijs will work on ultrafast photon-pump electron-probe microscopy and its application for the investigation of excited state carrier diffusion in 2D and other nanomaterials.

16 februari 2018

ADOPSYS article "Optimising optics through increased design efficiency" published on CORDIS

ADOPSYS article "Optimising optics through increased design efficiency" published on CORDIS

If photonics is to meet the needs of a new generation of applications, problems will need to be addressed through better design and modelling. The EU-funded ADOPSYS project approached this challenge as much with a skills-based answer, as a technical one.


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