Zero Emission Biotechnology BioProcess Engineering

Wij modelleren en optimaliseren de procescondities op industriële schaal, en met enkel bacteriën en groene elektriciteit zetten we CO2 om naar ethanol en andere alcoholen

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Nicole Dambruin, PhD Candidate

In-line Raman spectrometry as process analytical technology for synthetic defined co-culture monitoring

Supervisor: Marieke Klijn
Co-supervisor: Rinke van Tatenhove-Pel

Marieke Warmerdam, PhD Candidate

Ethanol as substrate for microbial biotechnology

Supervisor: Cees Haringa

Marika Zegers, PhD Candidate

C1 to EtOH - High yield / high rate microbial electrosynthesis of ethanol from CO2

Supervisor: Ludovic Jourdin