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Teams Webinar

MS Teams Webinars allows you to have a controlled interactive meeting with up to 1,000 participants. If you have under 300 participants, you should consider a normal Teams Meeting. The difference with normal Teams Meeting is that Webinars are more controlled and that the participants have clearer roles. Also, a Webinar requires attendees to register. Webinars differ from Live Events in the fact that participants are able to interact with the presenter; in Live Events participants are only allowed to listen, watch and participate in a moderated Q&A. With the webinar you are able to track registration for the event.

A webinar is similar to a meeting. However, certain settings like registration are already put in place, unlike in a meeting where you have to do it by yourself.

You cannot repeatedly schedule a webinar. Also, it is not possible to schedule a webinar within a channel.

Teams Webinar doesn’t comply with your needs?  Have a look at and compare other online meeting tools.

Before Your Webinar

What you need to know about Webinars

After The Webinar

After the meeting, the chat remains visible but can no longer be used. If you chose to use Notes and/or the Whiteboard, these are also saved. The Whiteboard can also be exported as a png file after the meeting and shared manually.

Similar to regular meetings, a recording is available for everyone after the meeting is scheduled to end if the meeting was recorded. If the meeting was held in a channel, everyone in the channel can download the recording. After downloading the video, it can be shared manually in your team or by uploading it to something like Brightspace.

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