About Teaching Support

Teaching Support is a service provided by Teaching & Learning Services (TLS). We support teaching staff with educational tools and are the entry point to other services provided by TLS, e.g. didactic consultation, online learning, and training. We will continue to expand partnerships with other departments so that lecturers quickly and easily get to the right place for the right support without headaches.

If you are a department in TU Delft which has relevant support for staff with teaching responsibilities and would like an entry point via Teaching Support, please contact us at Teaching-Support@tudelft.nl.

Teaching & Learning Services

TLS is part of Education & Student Affairs (ESA) and was established in 2018 to strengthen the TU Delft position regarding innovation in teaching and learning. TLS partners with faculties, lecturers, and staff in offering services and expertise to continually improve education at TU Delft. Our team delivers technical support for educational tools, didactic and teaching methods support (via Teaching Support), provides training and workshops, and consults on didactical matters. We work closely with the Teaching Academy, which builds communities of instructors to share best practices and organises educational events.

The mission of TLS is to be your partner for educational development, improvement and the professionalisation of teaching by offering effective and accessible services and expertise, based on an evidence-informed approach to education, innovation and learning technology.

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Teaching & Learning Support by TU Delft, except otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.