Anchor Links Example

Use HTML templates

Uploading content, such as .pdf or .doc files, is not the only way to share information on Brightspace. You can also create a file, which will be displayed as an HTML page embedded in Brightspace.

Student surveys have shown that students prefer these HTML pages over .pdf, as rendering of .pdf files is not always flawless. Furthermore, HTML files perform better regarding scaling, are searchable in Brightspace, are optimised for various devices, including readability standards and help you keep the content in your Course well formatted.

In order to offer your Course content in a uniform manner, we strongly advise using File Templates, see the option below (Creating a Page using a Document Template). New, more simple versions are available as of 2018-2019. Should you wish to use the templates from 2017-2018, please see the option below: Previous template versions.

Anchor Links Example