Anchor Links Example

Publish Results

Whenever all Exercises of every Learner are reviewed and analysed, results are ready to publish. You can find an overview of the outcomes of an Assignment under the Results Tab. Results are not automatically shared with the Learners; you need to publish them first. The following topics will be covered in this webpage: Viewing Results, publishing Results for online perusal and further Publication Settings.

Find Results overview

  1. Go to your Course. 
  2. Go to your Assignment. 
  3. Click the Results tab.
  4. Click Marks or Exercises or a Result Number (in the # column) for further details.
Henshall, B. (2023a, January 16). View results: Marks [edited]. Ans Support. Retrieved 17 January 2024, van

You will find two submenus here:

  • The Marks submenu shows the Marks and Points scored on the Assignment. 
  • The Exercise submenu shows if Exercises are answered (partially) (in)correct or are unanswered or ungraded.
Anchor Links Example