Anchor Links Example

Summary of fraud prevention measures during assessments


Unsupervised summative assessments
(should not contain declarative knowledge)

On-campus or remotely supervised summative assessments
(can contain declarative knowledge)

Assessment type

Projects /
larger assignments

Unsupervised assessments
(tool for uploading deliverables /  assignments)

Unsupervised exams/assignments
(digital exam tool)


On-campus or online proctored

2. Question construction

2a. Open-ended questions (strongly recommended)

2b. Do not include factual questions (strongly recommended)
2Cc AI-related advise: avoid questions on understanding and apply level of Bloom, without e.g.
oral checks (recommended)


2d. Do not recycle (reuse) existing questions (required)


2e. Do not use standard questions that can be googled (required)


3. Unique assessment for each student


3a. Parametrization of numerical
assignments / questions
(required for numerical answers)


3a. Parametrization of numerical
assignments / questions
(required for numerical answers)


3b. Different versions per question (random questions from pool): small variations, or different but equivalent questions (in difficulty and topic)
(advised for open-ended questions, required for all closed-ended questions, e.g. multiple choice)


3c. Different assessment version (e.g. assessment version A and B, recommended for exams in Brightspace Assignments, which only has a few other randomization options)


3d. Variation in cases and datasets (recommended for case studies, computational assignments, etc.)

4. Authenticity / identity checks

4a. Oral authenticity and identity checks (immediately after the assessment, recommended for all summative unsupervised assessments)


4b. Identity check before oral / online proctored exam (required)

4c. Login with netID (required)


4d. Online proctoring

5. Course of assessment

5a. Honor’s pledge (recommended)


5b. Random order of questions (ensure that the order makes sense)


5b. Random order of questions (ensure that the order makes sense)


5c. Limited & synchronous time slots
(minimal 30 minutes per slot)


5d. Supervision



Anchor Links Example