International Entrepreneurship Exchange


This course introduces you to the various aspects of entrepreneurial thinking through immersion in a challenge-based project. Over the ten weeks, you will work online and in person with a small multidisciplinary and intercultural team of TU Delft students and students from the Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MGEP) in The Basque Country, Spain. The course will emphasise the application of an entrepreneurial framework for sustainable human behaviours and innovation. The challenge may include the analysis of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, the sustainable impact of a startup, or the creation of a circular business model in the framework of eco-innovation. Using a challenge-based project, you will develop an entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial skills through hands-on experiences and by engaging in proactive behaviour.

What to expect?

The challenge-based project is about finding a sustainable solution or market proposition for the challenge owner (company/startup). The focus is on tackling sustainability-related challenges and taking them from the user experience. What do people value, and what opportunities exist for the challenge owner (company/startup) to bring better and more sustainable solutions to the market?

The course has room for TU-Delft 15 students. With students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea (12 students), you will work in a joint team to find better and sustainable product offerings for the challenge owner (company/startup). The course has online components to collaborate and site visits and works jointly on the project in pressure cooker settings both in Delft and San Sebastián.

Enrollment Requirements

This is a free elective course open to all Dutch master students. As this course has an international exchange component, 15 financially subsidised spaces are available to Netherlands-based participants.

Please register your interest in joining this course by completing a short application. The form includes a commitment to participating in several exchange activities in the Netherlands and Spain. You are also asked to make a 30-second introduction video.

The application form can be found here. It is open until midnight on Sunday, 4 February, 2024.

Cours code/Size
TPM417A / 5 ECTS


Day (Class Hours)


Will be online except in Week 2 and Week 10.

TU Delft Instructors
Fátima Delgado

Hanieh Khodaei

Priyanka Harish