What is exchange?

What is exchange?

The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment has exchange agreements with universities all over the world. We agreed with those universities to allow a certain amount of students to study for one semester at our faculty and in return they accept a certain amount of students from our faculty to study there for one semester.

It is very attractive to study abroad under an exchange agreement , because you only pay tuition fee at your home university and the courses can be added to your 'transcript of records' (= 'cijferlijst' in Dutch) at the TU Delft after your return!

Further, a lot of host universities help exchange students with the procedures, applying for visa, finding accommodation and so on. In most cases, you can also apply for a scholarship.

When can I go on exchange?

At our faculty exchange is always for one full semester; not longer, not shorter! The length of the semester can differ at universities. You can go on exchange during the Bachelor and/or during the Master. Bachelor’s students may only visit universities where at least subjects are taught at Bachelor’s level. Master’s students may only visit universities where at least subjects are taught at Master’s level. For more information check Brightspace Study Abroad page. 

More info?

Register on Brightspace Studyabroad BK for application and more information. Read the Procedures and Deadlines carefully. If you are interested in other possibilities to go abroad, please have a look at Short stay / internship / other options abroad