MSc Kick-off programme

Provisional programme - Friday 30 August 2024

This programme could still be updated up to and including Thursday the 29th of August. Please make sure you check this site regularly. 


Welcome & Introduction

Dr. ir. MaartenJan Hoekstra- Director of Education
Mieke Topsom MSc - Head of Education and Student Affairs (ESA)

Interculturality in BK Education

Dr. Remon Rooij      


Welcome to the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment! So many different students, so many different teachers. How can we work and learn together? In this session, we are going to explore how our cultural backgrounds might influence the way we think and behave in an academic environment. Through an introduction of Erin Meyer’s Culture Map approach, we will set you up for small group discussions on how culture might affect design and/or project education. To finish the morning session, we will elaborate on a few topics via a discussion table. This will allow you to exchange your ideas on interculturality in BK Education with some of our international staff.

Workshop Intercultural education

After the morning programme in Echo about interculturality in BK Education, we would like to give you a first opportunity to work together as intercultural groups in this one-hour workshop session. The workshop takes place at BK and you will be divided according to your tracks.

Meet & Greets

MSc Geomatics (Room U)
More information about the meeting and the start of your studies will be shared by the programme in July/August.

MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences

Architecture track (Room A)
More information about the start of your studies will be shared by the track on 30 August.

Management and the Built Environment track (Room C)
More information about the start of your studies will be shared by the track on 30 August.

Building Technology track (Room F)
More information about the start of your studies will be shared by email in August.

Additional note:
The Building Technology track kindly asks you, as new incoming MSc1 Building Technology student, to bring one to three pictures which you like to share about yourself, your hometown, your home country, or culture to the Meet & Greet session on Friday 30 August.

Urbanism & Landscape Architecture track (Oostserre) 
More information about the start of your studies will be shared by email in July/August.