Portfolio Requirements

Design for Interaction (DfI)

For admission to the Master's in Design for Interaction (DfI) programme, applicants must send a portfolio with samples of their design work, demonstrating their aptitude for the MSc Design for Interaction. This is one of the most important aspects of the application.

Project Documentation

The portfolio should consist of at least 3 and at most 8 projects. Projects should show the design process you followed and the steps you have taken.

For each project:

  • Mention the project title, your name, and indicate a date and location of the project.
  • Write a descriptive paragraph explaining the design problem and your goal with the project
  • Clearly indicate exactly which role you played in the creation of the work submitted. Is it group or individual work? What was your exact contribution to the project?
  • Was the work for a class assignment, a professional assignment or something you pursued on your own?
  • Year or semester of your study in which the project was carried out
  • Name and e-mail address of the supervisor of the project
  • If you have done any user research as a part of the project, mention this in the paragraph and show the results.

Please keep in mind that the admissions committee judges your individual skills. In general, individual projects show your capacities better than group work. If you decide to add group projects, please indicate carefully what your contribution is. If this is not clear to the committee they can’t judge your personal skills and this might decrease your chances of being admitted to the MSc programme.

Include sketches

Include finished drawings and sketches of original product design concepts. Sketches must show preliminary visual and verbal idea development and problem solving. They are an example of how you develop and organise your projects and ideas. Please note that for all drawings we require you to include the name of the author (if you are not the author).

If you want to show a short presentation, in addition to your PDF portfolio, it is possible to make a video of 1 minute max. Please include an online link (e.g. youtube or vimeo) in your PDF portfolio.

Size of the portfolio

  • The portfolio should be uploaded in pdf format and not exceed 20 MB.
  • The number of pages should not exceed 30.
  • The size of the pages should not exceed A4
  • Landscape format is preferred.