Non-Dutch BSc Degree

Design for Interaction (DfI)

The Design for Interaction (DfI) Master's programme requires skills in analysing, conceptualising and designing for human interaction in relation to the socio-cultural, economical and technological contexts in which the product, service or system is used. This human-centred attitude is key, and should be clear in the portfolio and motivation letter. Research skills, experience in design research, and an academic approach to design are also required. Because students will cooperate in project teams, a teamwork attitude and teamwork skills are essential. English proficiency is very important for successful participation in project teams.

Every application will be reviewed on an individual basis by the Selection Committee of the Master’s programme. Admission will be based on an evaluation of all documents that the student is required to send in. An academic credential in industrial design or a closely related programme of studies is required. Experience with (non-app/web) product design is required as well.

In addition to the programme specific requirements mentioned above, applicants must meet TU Delft's general admission requirements for international applicants.