
700 resultaten

Publiceer onderzoekssoftware

Software is een essentieel onderdeel van onderzoek. Onderzoekers ontwikkelen en hergebruiken software als onderdeel van het onderzoeksproces…

Research Data Management

Research Data Management Plan Menu openen Datamanagementplan DMPonline Grant Proposals Eigenaarschap van data Policies Menu openen TU Delft…


Data voorbereiden voor publicatie Licenties Publiceer onderzoeksdata FAIR Data Fund Publiceer onderzoekssoftware Menu openen Research Data…


Menu openen Research Data Management Menu openen Plan Beleid Beheer Publiceren Support Training & Evenementen Digital Competence Centre Het…

Diana Popa

Case 16: News overview

This term map visualizes different topics that are being covered by news articles published on the topic Power Grid. The color indicates the…

Case 9: Educational program profile

This term map visualizes different topics that are being covered by publications of teachers involved in the TU Delft interfaculty program…

Case 8: Consortium assembly profile

This term map visualizes the terms that appear in title and abstracts of articles submitted to a conference. The large circles indicate…

TU Delft research categories

Based on the analysis provided by Web of Science indexing service we have extracted the ranking of various research categories (known as Web…

Case 3: Citation impact

This term map shows the state of the art in research on Concrete. The overlay color of each circle corresponds to the average citation…