
700 resultaten

Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot (1953) dir. by Jacques Tati

Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot (1953) dir. by Jacques Tati

Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot (1953) dir. by Jacques Tati 08 augustus 2024 19:00 t/m 22:00 - Locatie: TU Delft Library, Blue Room | Zet in…

I Only Want You to Love Me (1976) dir. by Rainier Werner Fassbinder

I Only Want You to Love Me (1976) dir. by Rainier Werner Fassbinder

I Only Want You to Love Me (1976) dir. by Rainier Werner Fassbinder 22 augustus 2024 19:00 t/m 22:00 - Locatie: TU Delft Library, Blue Room…

Guidelines for Textbooks

Guidelines for Textbooks Whether you want to convert a traditional reader or textbook into an Open Textbook, or write an Open Textbook from…

Guidelines for Journals

Guidelines for Journals TU Delft Journal Submission policies - There are no Article Process Charges (APC) for institutional authors - All…

Guidelines for Books

Guidelines for Books TU Delft OPEN Book Submission policies - There are no Book Processing Charges (BPCs) for institutional authors.…


The DCC has two types of calls for researchers (including PhD candidates and PostDocs): Hands-on project support for individuals or groups…


EndNote wordt wereldwijd gebruikt door onderzoekers, studenten en bibliothecarissen en staat bekend om innovatieve functies zoals de…

Werkzaamheden in de Library

Werkzaamheden in de Library

29 juni t/m 9 augustus, enkele studiezalen gesloten

Showcase projects

AWE Simulation Toolchain Applicant: Jelle Poland (Aerospace Engineering) Project description Airborne wind energy (AWE) uses tethered…

More Services Pre-Publishing

More Services Pre-Publishing Unpublished work in Doctoral theses Find all Open Access journal discounts Prevent Plagiarism Copyrights…