Course Contents | The 5EC minor project enables minor students obtain the experience of working in teams while developing software. Students work in project groups on a full project implementation in the domain of data technologies, or game development. |
Study Goals | For all projects: - Apply software development techniques to real world problems - Evaluate the conditions of working in groups in software related projects For game development: - make a realistic game design for a short development period - design, implement and validate a variety of algorithms, and integrate them within your game concept - distinguish the various modules of a game engine, and use them for your game concept - understand and implement some sort of intelligent behavior in a computer game |
Floating Office Rotterdam
Rotterdam, the Netherlands
TU Delft monitort biodiversiteit voor groene TU Delft Campus
Maandag 22 mei 2023, tijdens de Dag van de Biodiversiteit, start TU Delft een samenwerking met Waarneming.nl om de TU Delft Campus te…
Green Tech Incubator
Boxtel, the Netherlands
The Green House
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Lucy Carpet House
Alabama, U.S.A.
ZZZ Test
EJ Seminar Archives
This the archive page for our ongoing seminar in expert judgment series.
Twee winnaressen ontvangen Marina van Dammebeurs 2023
Donderdag 11 mei vond de uitreiking van de Marina van Dammebeurs 2023 plaats, georganiseerd door Universiteitsfonds Delft. Drie Delftse…