Nutritious Meal Prep

22 september 2024 12:00 t/m 15:00 - Door: Communication | Zet in mijn agenda

Want to learn how to combine good nutrition with reducing your food waste? In collaboration with Foodsharing Delft, an association dedicated to cutting food waste, this workshop offers a hands-on experience in preparing nutritious meals while positively impacting the environment.


This event will guide you through the process of planning and preparing balanced meals using ingredients that might otherwise go to waste. You'll learn how to create delicious, nutritious dishes that are budget-friendly and environmentally conscious. Whether you're a student, a young professional, or simply someone who wants to eat well while making a difference, this workshop is for you!


Enrolment will open soon, mark your calendar until then!

Sunday 22 September | 12:00 – 15:00 | Freetown Kitchen | Students €5 Employees €6 Others €7