Eighties Aerobics XXL Workout

15 januari 2024 20:30 t/m 21:45 - Door: Communication | Zet in mijn agenda

Back by popular demand: The eighties style workout! Transport yourself to the iconic era of leg warmers, neon colors, and upbeat tunes as we embark on this fitness journey that transcends time. This workout is for all levels and it’s going to be, above all, really fun!

At X we like to workout and to dress up, so why don’t we combine both? Mark your calendars for January 15th , where you will have the perfect opportunity to workout in your funniest, eighties style or most colour uncoordinated outfit. Feel free to dress up, dress down, or simply come as you are – your regular gym clothes are perfectly fine!  

This event welcomes participants of all fitness levels, but be ready to sweat. Remember to bring a bottle of water and a large towel. As we anticipate a large and spirited group, please note that mats won't be provided. You don’t need to bring one but, please, don’t forget to bring your towel

Get ready for a workout experience that not only challenges your physical endurance but also lets your personality shine through your unique sense of style. Let's make January 15th a memorable fusion of fitness and fun – where breaking a sweat is just as fabulous as your choice of workout attire! 


To enrol: go to week 3 in the schedule below!

Monday 15/01 | 20:30 – 21:45 | X3B | FREE!  

During the event, photos can be taken, for future use, by our content and photo team.