Join the 100 DAYS OF… Students Taking Responsibility!

TU Delft Teaching Academy is glad to announce the launch of the 100 DAYS OF... Students Taking Responsibility initiative.  

This unique series, organized by 4TU.CEE, LDE-CEL, TU Delft Teaching & Learning Services, the TU Delft Extension School, and the TU Delft Teaching Academy, spans 100 working days to collaboratively explore a relevant topic, being this time: how to empower students to take responsibility for their own learning. This edition is designed to start a dialogue and reflect on pedagogies that foster student autonomy and how educators can create the right conditions for students to thrive in self-directed learning environments.  

The kick-off session took place on September 17th, where educators, support staff, and students gathered to share their experiences, explore what responsibility means to them, and highlight inspiring examples from both our university and beyond. Responsibility is a layered concept with various approaches and interpretations, but common patterns were identified during the kick-off session. It is closely linked to feeling empowered and motivated to take control of one’s learning process, making informed choices, and self-regulating throughout the journey. A lively dialogue emerged between educators and students. One of the most insightful reflections from younger participants emphasized the difference between taking responsibility and being given responsibility. They suggested that the learning environment can be designed to scaffold the learning path and build trust between educators and students, allowing them to feel confident and secure in assuming such responsibility. 

More exciting events like this one are on the way, and TU Delft Teaching Academy would love for you to be part of it! The next Journal Club and Meet&Eat are happening soon, don’t miss your chance to join —check out the program and sign up today! 

1 Oct | JOURNAL CLUB | Teaching Lab | 12:30-13:30

Does student agency benefit student learning? 

Join the discussion of the article “Does student agency benefit student learning? A systematic review of higher education research.” It’s the perfect opportunity to connect with peers over lunch while diving into this timely topic. 

22 Oct | MEET & EAT | Teaching Lab | 12:30-13:30

Teaching Assistants taking responsibility … for both their own and other students' learning journeys 

Margreet Docter will present on how to elevate the role of Teaching Assistants to foster greater responsibility among students in their learning journey. This informal session is an excellent opportunity to share ideas and strategies while enjoying lunch.