News, Media & Events

News & Media Appearances

38 results

27 June 2023

How to incorporate changing values in new technology?

How to incorporate changing values in new technology?

How can designers of new technology proactively include value change in their design? A team of TU Delft researchers involved in design for values, has written a white paper with practical examples to help designers tackle this issue.

06 June 2023

Filippo Santoni de Sio op NOS over Effect van AI op beroepen

Filippo Santoni de Sio op NOS over Effect van AI op beroepen

27 May 2023

Recap Design for Values in AI for Medicine and Healthcare

The workshop entitled “Design for Values in AI for Medicine and Healthcare” has been hosted in Delft on November 25th, 2022 as the result of a collaboration between the Delft Digital Ethics Center and the World Health Organization.

25 April 2023

Neelke Doorn in H2O waternetwerk over juridische aspecten van rioolwatersurveillance

Neelke Doorn in H2O waternetwerk over juridische aspecten van rioolwatersurveillance

Overheden hebben de bevoegdheid om rioolwatersurveillance uit te (laten) voeren voor het beschermen van de volksgezondheid en de leefomgeving. Wanneer er geen sprake is van een volksgezondheidscrisis, is bij het opzetten of uitbreiden van rioolwatersurveillance een zorgvuldige ethische afweging nodig zo betoogt onder andere Neelke Doorn.

02 March 2023

ChatGPT: a risky advisor when it comes to safety related information

ChatGPT: a risky advisor when it comes to safety related information

An international consortium led by TU Delft researchers explored ChatGPT's capabilities in providing safety-related advice. Amongst them are TU Delft researchers Oscar Oviedo-Trespalacios, Helma Torkamaan, Steffen Steinert, and Genserik Reniers. They found that it is risky to rely on ChatGPT as a source of information and advice. The results are available in the preprint ‘The Risks of Using ChatGPT to Obtain Common Safety-Related Information and Advice’ in SSRN.

13 February 2023

Research for responsible AI in the military domain: REAIM2023

Research for responsible AI in the military domain: REAIM2023

Delft AI and ethics researchers lead academic forum of REAIM conference 15 and 16 February.