The Mekel Prize

The Mekel Prize for Responsible Innovation at TU Delft

Call for Applications Mekel Prize 2024

Do you work on a socially responsible research project or extra-scientific activity that could use our support and recognition? Projects or activities that showcase in an outstanding fashion that they have been committed from the beginning to relevant moral and societal values and have been aware of and tried to mitigate as much as possible in innovative ways the risks involved?

The jury is looking forward to receiving your nominations before 10 October 2024!
Submit your project via the form below.


The Mekel Prize is awarded to Master students and employees of the TU Delft. With the award the university wants to raise awareness amongst Master students and employees about the ethical aspects of technological developments and the responsibility of researchers and designers for taking these aspects into account.

Goal of the award

The Mekel Prize will be awarded to the most socially responsible research project or extra-scientific activity (e.g. founding of an NGO or organization, an initiative or realization of an event or other impactful project) by an employee or group of employees of TU Delft – projects that showcase in an outstanding fashion that they have been committed from the beginning to relevant moral and societal values and have been aware of and tried to mitigate as much as possible in innovative ways the risks involved in their research. The award recognizes such efforts and wants to encourage the responsible development of science and technology at TU Delft in the future. The Mekel Prize comprises a statue of Prof. Jan Mekel and €1500,- (that can be dedicated to further the project).

About Jan Mekel

Prof. Jan Mekel is a former employee of TU Delft. He was professor in historical geology and palaeontology at the Technical College of Delft. Prof. Jan Mekel stood up for his values and ideals against an oppressive regime. He initiated a resistance movement against the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, for which he was sentenced to death and subsequently deported and killed in Sachsenhausen in 1942. Through his heroic actions, Mekel showed that the responsibilities of a scientist towards society do not end at the doorsteps of an office on campus.

Award Ceremony 2024

Date: Wednesday  13 November 2024
Time: TBA – in the evening as part of the van Hasselt Lecture
Location: Delft (Museum het Prinsenhof)