News, Media & Events

News & Media Appearances

38 results

17 November 2023

Jeroen van den Hoven keynote speaker on AI at the European Parliament

Jeroen van den Hoven keynote speaker on AI at the European Parliament

Jeroen van den Hoven recently participated in a roundtable meeting organized by The European Parliament, where he urged the adoption of responsible innovation in Artificial Intelligence (AI) to address in a productive way the ethical challenges posed by generative AI and Large Language Models.

09 November 2023

TU Delft Safety & Security Institute – An Institute Building Bridges

TU Delft Safety & Security Institute – An Institute Building Bridges

Accidents, geopolitical tensions, and an escalating climate crisis – these are only some of the challenges that the TU Delft Safety & Security Institute has been addressing for a decade now. The current director, Behnam Taebi, and his predecessor, Pieter van Gelder, look back and towards the future.

09 November 2023

‘'Engineers must learn to talk about ethics”

‘'Engineers must learn to talk about ethics”

09 November 2023

Are Sustainability and Safety Incompatible?

Are Sustainability and Safety Incompatible?

16 October 2023

Behnam Taebi op NPO Start over de comeback van kernenergie

Behnam Taebi op NPO Start over de comeback van kernenergie

Het taboe is van kernenergie af. Hoe komt het dat ons beeld over kernenergie zo is gekanteld? Behnam Taebi, die onderzoek heeft gedaan naar het maatschappelijke debat over kernenergie legt uit dat er o.a steeds meer aandacht is voor niet fossiele brandstoffen vanwege de klimaatverandering en kernenergie staat op de lijst van brandstoffen met weinig uitstoot van broeikasgassen.

12 July 2023

The ethical concerns associated with Large Language Models

The Economist published an article on the future of generative AI models on April 19th, outlining some of the risks and ethical concerns associated with Large Language Models. While the article discussed some of the well-known risks with AI-driven technology in general, it failed to adequately address the problem that generative AI poses.