News & Media Appearances

315 results

27 March 2019

Aimee van Wynsberghe on about machines and ethics

Aimee van Wynsberghe on about machines and ethics

Read the interview with Aimee van Wynsberghe, assistant professor of ethics and robotics at TU Delft, the Netherlands to find out where machine ethics is headed and what it can accomplish.

20 March 2019

Andrew Hale scholarship awarded to Julia Burggraaf

Andrew Hale scholarship awarded to Julia Burggraaf

The NVVK (Dutch Association of Safety Experts) conference is a bi-annual conference for all safety experts in the Netherlands. At the end of this conference, the Andrew Hale scholarship is awarded to a speaker at the conference. This year, Julia Burggraaf, a PhD student at the Safety and Security Science section won the scholarship.

06 March 2019

New website on ethics education for engineering students

New website on ethics education for engineering students

The Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Section has launched a website which showcases the educational approach for teaching ethics to engineering students:

06 March 2019

Juan Durán wins prestigious Herbert Simon award

Juan Durán wins prestigious Herbert Simon award

Researcher Juan Durán received the prestigious Herbert Simon award from the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP). He received this award for his work on the philosophy of computer simulations.

30 January 2019

Eleonora Papadimitriou participates in H2020 project i-DREAMS

Eleonora Papadimitriou participates in H2020 project i-DREAMS

The project i-DREAMS - “Safety tolerance zone calculation and interventions for driver-vehicle-environment interactions under challenging conditions” was granted under H2020 call topic MG-2.1-2018-‘Human Factors in Transport Safety’.

29 January 2019

Enno Schröder and Servaas Storm in various media on Economic Growth and Carbon Emissions

Wishful thinking and tinkering won’t cut it. Nothing short of a mass mobilization for deep de-carbonization across the global economy can avert the looming climate catastrophe.