News & Media Appearances

315 results

06 October 2020

TU Delft signs Safety Delta Netherlands covenant for a safe (petro) chemical industry

TU Delft signs Safety Delta Netherlands covenant for a safe (petro) chemical industry

On 5 October, the (petro) chemical industry, science and the government will sign a covenant to work together on the safest (petro) chemical industry in the world.

18 September 2020

Filippo Santoni de Sio on about social robots

Filippo Santoni de Sio on about social robots

When are robots good for us? And how can they be bad for us? 'When people have the ability to choose freely, and choose to spend time with robots instead of people, that’s a legitimate choice. But the choice has to be authentically free — not just the result of market forces (like tech companies pushing us to adopt addictively entertaining robots) or other economic and social pressures', says Filippo Santoni de Sio, a tech ethics professor at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

07 July 2020

TPM AI-Lab website is live

TPM AI-Lab website is live

Last week the TPM AI-Lab went live. Aimee van Wynsberghe, director of the TPM AI-Lab: ‘ I am extremely proud of the team at TPM to create an AI lab. We hope to enhance AI research across our Faculty and to showcase the fantastic multidisciplinary approach found at TPM’.

22 June 2020

Two TPM research projects earmarked as best practices in OECD report

Two TPM research projects earmarked as best practices in OECD report

Last week an OECD report came out on transdisciplinary research, which combines knowledge from different scientific disciplines with that of public and private sector stakeholders and citizens to address complex societal challenges. Key obstacles to effectively implement transdisciplinary research and examples to better accommodate the requirements of this kind of research are identified in 28 case studies. Two of the case studies involve TPM research projects.

19 June 2020

We have a new Tenure Tracker at the Safety and Security Science Group: Ming Yang

We have a new Tenure Tracker at the Safety and Security Science Group: Ming Yang

Dr. Ming Yang joined the Safety and Security Section on June.1st, 2020. Dr. Yang has a varied background in safety and risk engineering, chemical and materials engineering, environmental engineering, and management.

17 June 2020

Juan Manuel Durán and Martin Sand awarded Fellowships at Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study

Juan Manuel Durán and Martin Sand awarded Fellowships at Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study

Juan Manuel Durán and Martin Sand have been selected for a stay at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS-KNAW) in Amsterdam.