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News items

New vacancy: Assistant/Associate Professor position on Programmable Infrastructures

We are excited to announce that the Organisation & Governance Section in the Department of Multi-Actor Systems at the Faculty of Technology,…

Seda Gürses and Femke Snelting talking at a seminar of Deradicalizing the City

Seda Gürses and Femke Snelting will be speaking at a seminar of Deradicalizing the City on Wednesday the 22nd of June (15:00-17:00h) in…

How Big Tech captured our public health system

The privatisation of public services is a long-standing global trend. But in the wake of the pandemic and through the introduction of…

The Programmable Infrastructures Project is participating in the Workshop “Omnes et Singulatim”

We will be participating in the Workshop “Omnes et Singulatim” Collective and Individual Subjectivities in Algorithmic Governmentality…

Dutch cabinet is awarding 21.3 million euros to the research project ‘The algorithmic society’

In the framework of the Gravitation programme, the Dutch cabinet is awarding 21.3 million euros to the research project ‘The algorithmic…

The Programmable Infrastructures Project will be participating in the Geneva Health Forum

We will be participating in the Geneva Health Forum in a panel titled "Deploying Digital Contact Tracing: challenges and opportunities”. We…