News & In the media

294 results

15 January 2021

Anatol Itten and Niek Mouter will conduct participatory research in the Arctic Circle

Anatol Itten and Niek Mouter will conduct participatory research in the Arctic Circle

TPM researchers Anatol Itten and Niek Mouter will be conducting participatory value evaluation (PVE) research for the Norwegian Research Council. In the project DRIVKRAFT (driving force) they will be researching new forms of participation and co-creation in climate-, environmental and energy planning for rural municipalities in northern Norway.

10 December 2020

New website for platform Social Innovation in the Energy Transition

New website for platform Social Innovation in the Energy Transition

A new website has been launched for the platform Social Innovation in the Energy Transition. The platform is an initiative of Gerdien de Vries and Thomas Hoppe and is part of the Urban Energy Institute.

26 November 2020

TU Delft partner in nine NWA-ORC consortia

TU Delft partner in nine NWA-ORC consortia

Researchers from TU Delft will work together in ten consortia with the entire knowledge chain and societal organisations, and conduct interdisciplinary research that will bring scientific and societal breakthroughs within reach. Jill Slinger, researcher at TPM and CEG, is involved in the NWA-ORC CASTOR project (CAtchment Strategies TOwards Resilience), of main applicant WUR.

30 October 2020

Shannon Spruit op over participatie van inwoners bij energiebeleid van Súdwest-Fryslân

Shannon Spruit op over participatie van inwoners bij energiebeleid van Súdwest-Fryslân

Wat vinden inwoners van Súdwest-Fryslân belangrijk bij het vormen van toekomstig energiebeleid? De gemeente onderzocht het met behulp van de Participatieve Waarden Evaluatie. Onderzoeker Shannon Spruit van de TU Delft vertelt over de voordelen van deze online participatiemethode. 'Door in de huid te kruipen van een bestuurder, ontdekken inwoners hoe complex het is om keuzes te maken.'

03 September 2020

Energy project with TU Delft citizen participation approach nominated for Galjaard prize

Energy project with TU Delft citizen participation approach nominated for Galjaard prize

The project "The energy transition as joint decision of the municipality and the mienskip of the municipality of Súdwest-Fryslân has been nominated for the Galjaard prize. TU Delft researchers Shannon Spruit and Niek Mouter contributed to this innovative citizen participation process.