Placement Test

for Students and PhD Candidates

In order to take most of our English courses you must first take the Placement Test. 

The test takes place in Computer room B at the faculty TPM, Jaffalaan 5, building 31, on:  

  • Friday 27 September, 09:00

Taking this test will allow you to sign up for courses in the new academic year.

If you want to take a Placement Test in September 2024, please register for the course called Placement Test English 2024-2025. 

You can enrol for the Placement Test course in Brightspace and then sign up for a specific date. If you have not enrolled in Brightspace yet: search with “Placement Test” here to enrol. 

Courses that do not require a Placement Test:

  • Writing a Master’s Thesis in English (TPM305A). This course is open to all students who have started or are about to start their Master’s Thesis.
  • Writing a Bachelor’s Thesis in English (TPM301A). This course is open to students who have started or are about to start their Bachelor’s Thesis.
  • Grammar for the University.
  • Pronunciation seminar (for PhD candidates and lecturers).