
72 results

04 June 2024

How social networks influence the decision to adopt rooftop solar panels

How social networks influence the decision to adopt rooftop solar panels

Research by Aarthi Sundaram of TU Delft shows that social networks and trust between people have a significant influence on whether or not people install solar panels on their roofs. This research reveals that affordability is not the main reason for choosing solar panels, despite it being commonly assumed. The results have been published in the journal Energy Research and Social Science. The article suggests leveraging the influence of social networks to create fairer solar energy programmes for all income groups.

25 March 2024

Isabell Bagemihl wins the Best Energy Paper 2023

Isabell Bagemihl wins the Best Energy Paper 2023

"Techno-economic Assessment of CO2 Electrolysis: How Interdependencies between Model Variables Propagate Across Different Modelling Scales"

13 March 2024

TU Delft presents the nine Best Climate Action & Energy Papers

TU Delft presents the nine Best Climate Action & Energy Papers

Nine young researchers compete for the best climate action & energy paper of 2023

17 July 2023

TU Delft launches online course Sustainable Building with Timber

TU Delft launches online course Sustainable Building with Timber

“The way we construct our buildings needs to change.” says Arjan van Timmeren professor of Environmental Technology & Design at TU Delft. Over 35% of our global greenhouse gas emissions are attributable to the built environment. A third of that amount is specifically related to the production of abiotic (non-renewable) materials such as concrete, metals and plastics. The associated challenges are not only climate related, but also concern resource scarcity, health and housing provision.

13 June 2023

New living lab Biobased Boulevard to encourage use of natural building materials

New living lab Biobased Boulevard to encourage use of natural building materials

To accelerate the use of natural materials in construction, today The Green Village, iCircl and the Province of South Holland opened the new living lab Biobased Boulevard. This living lab, part of fieldlab The Green Village on TU Delft Campus, will help to use biobased building materials in construction and renovation on a large scale.