TU Delft Urban Energy Institute

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Delivering a carbon-free urban energy system in the Netherlands in 2050

The Dutch government aims for a 49% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 (compared to 1990). During the current government term, each year 30,000-50,000 existing homes need to be converted to make them gas-free, and the market should be ready to make 200,000 houses per year sustainable beyond 2021. The large-scale energy transition of the urban energy system faces multiple challenges, which calls for the active involvement of house owners and stakeholders across many sectors.

On these webpages, we present the major research challenges that need to be addressed to achieve the energy transition. In nearly all faculties of TU Delft relevant research of high quality is being carried out, from in-depth technical research via integrated approaches connecting all expertise to assessment methods needed for decision making. The social innovation aspect is part of the research portfolio as well.

The research challenges are categorized along 6 intertwined themes, covering the building, neighborhood, district and city scales, and involving multiple disciplines.

The TU Delft Urban Energy Institute is one of the 4 large energy pillars of the TU Delft Energy Initiative.