TU Delft Student activities sponsoring regulation

This regulation is aimed at facilitating activities organised for and by students and applies to requests related to the social, sporting and cultural development of TU Delft students.

What requirements must the activities meet and how do you submit a sponsoring application?

A sponsorship application should be submitted in writing via X no later than 6 weeks before the start of the activity and observing the following deadlines:

Academic calender year 2022-2023:

The event falls in this period

Deadline application 

October 2024 until December 2024

1 October 2024

December 2024 until February 2025

1 December 2024

February 2025 until June 2025

1 February 2025

June 2025 until October 2025

1 June 2025


Who is eligible to apply?
The activity must be organised by a student organisation that is part of the TU Delft community.

What requirements must be met?

  1. The activity must primarily be organised for the benefit of the TU Delft student community.
  2. The minimum number of participants is 50, participants may not be solely limited to association or club members and at least 75% must be TU Delft students.
  3. The activity must be open in nature. You must demonstrate how you intend to mobilise other TU Delft target groups than your own members.
  4. The event must also be promoted using appropriate publicity.

Applications will also be assessed for innovation and creativity. This is not a strict requirement, but may be taken into account in reaching the final decision.

The application must consist of the following:
A completed application form accompanied by a budget. This should include:

  1. A statement of your own organisation’s contribution and that of participants in the activity.
  2. An indication of other sources of income (sponsoring).
  3. An overview of expenditure.

How to submit the application?
Sponsoring applications should be addressed to: grantregulation-x@tudelft.nl using this application form.

Awarding of sponsoring
In principle, activities that meet the above requirements are be eligible for sponsoring. If the committee has questions about the application, it may request an interview. Only if TU Delft reaches a positive decision will a contract be issued.

The level of any sponsoring provided will partly depend on the extent to which students benefit from the activity concerned and the number of applications in each period. Applications will also be assessed in line with current TU Delft policy and associated research priorities.

After sponsorship has been granted, the organisation may request an advance of 75% of the sum awarded.

The organisation must submit a final statement as soon as possible after the activity. This must contain:

  1. A detailed statement of income and expenditure with explanatory notes.
  2. A statement of the contributions made by parties other than TU Delft (the organisation itself, third parties, etc.).
  3. A report of the completed activity.
  4. A statement of the total number of participants/visitors, also explicitly stating the number of TU Delft students.

After receipt and approval of the final statement, the remaining sum will be transferred. In the event of underspending, deductions will be made proportionally. If the budget is exceeded, the additional expenditure will be payable by the organisation.

Special provisions
If changes have been made to the reasons why an application for sponsoring was approved or rejected, the decision may be reconsidered. The sponsored organisation must notify X -TU Delft of any changes, such as cancellations, relocations, etc.

The sponsored organisation will place at X -TU Delft's disposal all books and documents, insofar as they do not include personal data. The organization will provide all relevant information necessary for assessing the efficiency of its activity.

In the case of organisations that apply annually or more often, the final statement and report on the most recent activity will be taken into account in the decision of whether or not to grant sponsorship.

We reserve the right to deviate from this regulation.