
Welcome to the exchange information website of ME. Here you will find all the necessary information on how to apply for a successful exchange period.

An exchange period is possible for all Bachelor and Master students of the faculty of ME who fit the criteria. For Bachelor students, an exchange can be done in the context of your Minor. For Master students, an exchange can serve to follow electives (or replace core courses if approved). An exchange can be arranged within EU universities (the Erasmus+ programme) or non-EU Universities with whom the TU Delft has a Partnership Agreement. More detailed information you can find on our International Office ME Brightspace page.

The exchange procedure consists of 5 parts: Orientation, Application, Approval, Nomination and During & After. You will be guided through each part by completing a number of steps on this site. The up-to-date steps of the exchange procedure are a available on the Brightspace page International Office ME.

After the deadlines, a list of ‘leftover’ placements is published. Go to Part 2: Application regarding leftover placements.

Good luck!

International Office ME