This procedure is only for IDE students who, after the closing of the registration period for the courses, find that they have not or not fully registered for the courses of the coming semester. In principle, the following applies at the Faculty of IDE: 'no registration = no participation'. But there may be a valid reason why a timely and complete registration was not successful.

We distinguish two groups of non (complete) applicants:

  • IDE students who have not been able to register due to special circumstances. Special circumstances include things such as illness, accident, disability, psychological problems, problems at home.
  • All other IDE students who have not (fully) registered. The schedule below shows the routes for these two groups:

* You can make an appointment via the online appointment form

  • Only fully completed forms will be processed.
  • If you cannot participate in these course(s) and therefore will complete the MSc more than half a year later, it is mandatory to upload your study planning in the form. Without your study planning, we will not take your study duration into consideration when dealing with your request.
  • Emails about not (completely) registration will not be processed.
  • No rights can be derived from submitting this form. 



Via this link: you can fill in the form. This procedure has been closed for Q1 courses. Forms for Q2 courses will be taken into consideration as af mid-October.