IDE Course Support (IDE CS)

IDE Course Support (IDE CS) assists course coordinators with the organization and administration of their course(s).
Tasks of the IDE CS include:

  • Setting up Brightsace environments for courses
  • Process study results of courses in Osiris and on Brightspace
  • Create group divisions
  • Handling sickness notifications for BSc-students

 But IDE CS also support students. When you have questions regarding:

  • Processing your grade
  • What you have to do when you want to quit with a course
  • Brightspace
  • Reporting illness
  • All other questions related to the organization and administration of a course

You can send an email to the employees of IDE CS:

For content related questions please contact the course coordinator(s). Every course has its own course email address where you can send your questions to. The course email address can be found on Brightspace.

Jolanda van Domburg

Manon Borgstijn