Walk-in consultation hour

You do not need to make an appointment for the walk-in consultation. The walk-in consultation hour is intended for short questions and to discuss your study planning. During a consultation hour, an academic counsellor can take a maximum of 10 minutes for you. In case you need more time, we can plan a follow-up meeting. More information about the walk-in consultation hour can be found here. Location consultation hour: 2nd floor A-wing (A2.340 & A2.320). Please wait outside the office. Below is an overview of the walk-in consultation hours.

Walk-in consultation hours only take place during official study weeks. During TU-Delft student holidays there are no walk-in consultation hours. Send an e-mail if you have (urgent) questions. 

The regular schedule is as below. Temporary changes will be announced here.
week 1.3   MSc: Thursday 19 September no walk-in consultation hour

  • BSc students:
    • Tuesday: 12:30 -13:30 on campus (A2.300)
    • Thursday: 12.30 - 13.30 ONLINE. Send an email requesting a link to bsc-ac-tpm@tudelft.nl during this hour and you will be sent a link in order of registration.
  • MSc students CoSEM, EPA & MOT:
    • o Tuesday: 12:30 - 13:30 on campus (A2.320 / A2.340) 
    • o Thursday: 12:30 - 13:30 on campus (A2.340) 

Illness or special circumstances


In case of illness or special circumstances that may affect your study progress, it is important to contact the academic counsellor as soon as possible. If you neglect to do so, you run the risk of no longer being able to claim special arrangements for instance relating to BSA or RPF (profiling fund scheme). 

You may also contact us by e-mail.